Terms and Conditions

terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Hey there, welcome to ArticleTimeNow! Just so you’re aware, this document lays down the law for hanging out on our site, which you can find at www.articletimenow.com.

When you hop onto our site, it’s like you’re giving a thumbs up to these terms. If you’re not cool with them though, you’ll want to steer clear of ArticleTimeNow.

Talking Shop

Let’s get our lingo straight for everything that follows — these Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Statement, and that heads-up we call the Disclaimer Notice, plus any agreements we’ve got:

  • When we say “Client,” “You,” or “Your,” we’re talking about you, the person who is connecting to this website and agreeing with the Company’s rules and stuff.
  • By “The Company,” “Ourselves,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us,” we mean our very own business.
  • The words “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us” point to both you, the client, and us, as in together.


Yeah, we use cookies. If you’re surfing ArticleTimeNow, you’ve gotta be cool with cookies as part of the ArticleTimeNow’s Cookies Policy deal.


ArticleTimeNow and its licensors hold ownership of the intellectual property on their site unless it’s stated otherwise. They keep all the intellectual property rights. For personal use, you’re allowed to use stuff from ArticleTimeNow, but you gotta play by the rules in the sample terms and conditions template.

Here’s what you can’t do:

  • Don’t go reposting stuff from ArticleTimeNow.
  • Don’t start selling or renting content, or even offer subscriptions for stuff from ArticleTimeNow.
  • Stay away from making copies or doubles of anything you find on ArticleTimeNow.
  • And don’t go giving away ArticleTimeNow’s content.

User Comments

This site has spots where folks can share what they think and news with each other. ArticleTimeNow doesn’t sift through tweak posts or check Reviews before they pop up on the site. Reviews are just what the person posting them thinks, not the beliefs of ArticleTimeNow or people who work with us terms and conditions examples.

ArticleTimeNow has the power to keep an eye on all Reviews and to delete any that seem not okay, rude, or break the rules we’ve got here.

When you post, you promise that:

You have the right to drop your Comments on our site and you got all the needed permissions and nods to do this;
Nobody’s copyright, patent, or trademark rights gets stomped on by your Comments;
Your Comments ain’t packing anything that’d be considered slanderous, mean, naughty, or just flat-out illegal, and they’re not stepping on anyone’s private space terms and conditions;
You’re not gonna use your Comments as a way to hustle for business, snag some customers, hype up any biz stuff, or get into any shady stuff.

By doing this, you’re giving ArticleTimeNow the okay to get cracking with your Comments, to change them up, and let others do the same, in whatever way, shape, or form, across all kinds of ways we get media out there terms and conditions.

Making Links to Our Stuff

These groups can toss a link to our site with no need to ask us first:

  • The folks running the government;
  • The machines that help you find stuff online;
  • Places that tell you what’s going on in the world;
  • The online phone books can give a shoutout to our site just like they do for any other biz; and
  • Businesses with the whole system’s seal of approval, but hey, those groups out there trying to get you to give your money to good causes or those shopping spots that help charities gotta steer clear from linking to our webpage.

Groups can connect to our main page, publications, or different site details as long as the hyperlink: (a) stays honest and not misleading; (b) avoids suggesting , that we’re backing or endorsing the link creator and their stuff; and © keeps in line with the vibe of the link creator’s website free terms and conditions generator.


Don’t go putting up frames around our site’s pages that mess with how things look or the overall style unless ya got the okay and it’s in writing alright?

Stuff We’re Responsible For

You agree to shield us from all legal claims related to your website. We’ll not be blamed for what’s on your site. Your website shouldn’t show any links deemed as insulting, explicit, illegal, or that break or suggest breaking another’s rights.

Your Privacy

Check out our Privacy Policy.

Keeping Our Rights

We can ask you to delete every single link or just one specific link to our site. If we make that call, you gotta take down the links to our site right away, no delays. Plus, we might change up the rules and how you can link to us whenever we want. Keep on linking to our site means you’re cool with sticking to our link rules terms and conditions.

Taking Down Links from Our Site

Discover a link on our site that rubs you the wrong way? Feel free to shoot us a message any time about it. We’ll peep at the request to get rid of links, but no promises that we’ll always do it or hit you back terms and conditions.

We can’t guarantee the info on this site is spot-on, nor can we vouch for it being all there or on the nose; also, we don’t commit to the site always being reachable or the terms and conditions content staying fresh.


Visit Our Disclaimer Page

We ditch all promises, guarantees, and terms about our site and how you use it as far as the law allows. This disclaimer doesn’t include:

  • Rule out or cap our or your own responsibility for death or injury;
  • Rule out or cap our or your own responsibility for swindling or lies that involve trickery;
  • Cap any of our or your responsibilities in ways the law doesn’t allow; or
  • Omit any of our or your responsibilities that the law insists we can’t omit.

The caps and bans on liability laid out in this part and other parts of this “no promises” note: (a) follow the rules of the paragraph before this one; and (b) they apply to any responsibility that comes up because of this note, whether it’s a deal thing, a done-wrong thing, or not doing what the law says terms and conditions.

As long as we offer the site and its info and services at no cost, we’ll dodge any blame for loss or harm of any kind.

Contact Us

Got questions about these rules?Visit our Contact us Page or Reach out and ask:

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