Privacy Policy


We Are Privacy

You can find us at:


What we do: If ya drop a comment on our webpage, we scoop up the stuff you type, plus your IP and what browser you’re using all to keep those pesky spammers at bay.

We might make this funny code out of your email (it’s called a hash) and check with Gravatar to see if you’re into using their thing. You wanna peep their privacy stuff? Hit up this link: Once we give your comment the thumbs up, everyone can check out your profile pic next to your words.

Pics and Stuff

You ought to skip putting up pictures on the site that come with location info (EXIF GPS) already in them. Anyone who comes to the site can snag and figure out the location info from any images.


When you drop a comment on our webpage, you got the choice to save your details like name, email, and site in cookies. That’s to make things easy for you so you don’t have to type it all in again next time you want to comment. Expect these cookies to stick around for one year.

Swing by our login screen, and we’ll throw in a quick cookie to check if your web browser is cool with cookies. Don’t sweat it; this cookie won’t hold on to any of your personal data and it’ll say bye when you shut your browser.

Okay so when you sign in, we’ll hook you up with a bunch of cookies. These little guys remember your sign-in details and how you like to see stuff on the screen. Now, the cookies that remember your login stick around for 48 hours, while the ones for screen preferences hang out for a whole 365 days. Oh, and if you hit the “Remember Me” button, we’ll remember you for a solid 14 days. But, hey, if you decide to sign out, those login cookies get kicked out too.

Got something to change or wanna share a new article? Cool, we’ll drop an extra cookie in your browser when you do that. It’s no biggie though, ’cause this cookie doesn’t know a thing about you. It’s just there to tag the ID number of your article and poof, it vanishes after 24 hours.

Stuff from Other Sites on the Web

This site might have stuff like videos, pictures, or articles that are actually from different places on the internet. Imagine you’re hopping right onto their turf when you check these out—it’s the same thing privacy.

Those other sites could grab some info about you, toss cookies your way, sneak in some extra tracking from someone else, and keep tabs on how you mingle with their stuff. if you’ve got an account with them and you’re all signed in.

Data Sharing Practices

Listen up: if you hit up our site to get your password reset, we’re gonna send your IP address along for the ride in the reset email for privacy.

Data Storage Duration

Leave a comment, and we’ll keep the comment with its details forever. That’s because we want to identify and okay any later comments without waiting in a check line of a privacy policy and.

When folks sign up on our site (if that’s even a thing), the stuff they share in their profile sticks around too. Every user gets the chance to look at, tweak, or get rid of their personal info whenever (but hey, that username is here to stay). The site’s admin team has the power to peek at and change your info as well privacy policies.

Your data, your rules

If you’re signed up here or dropped some comments, hit us up to get a file with all your personal info we’ve got, stuff you’ve shared with us included. And if you want us to ditch your personal info just say the word. But hey, we gotta hold onto some data if the law, our admin tasks, or keeping things secure says we ensure your privacy.

Where your data goes

When you comment, a spam-finding bot might give it a once-over privacy.

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